Chaya Yoga Retreats


We work with a variety of incredibly talented, hand-picked teachers worldwide and from all yogic disciplines. Each practitioner is carefully paired to suit the individual retreat's focus and theme. Every teacher we work with is coming at the teaching experience from the heart - to truly share their journey with yoga with you as students and guests. And which is one of the many reasons our retreats are so special.

 If you are a teacher and are interested in working with us, please do get in touch.


One of Chaya's most dearly loved and newly resident teachers, Aquila Dunford Wood has been practising since 1997 when taken to Varanasi, India by her parents where she studied yoga alongside them from the age of 8. Throughout her teens it became a way to keep sane through the turmoils of growing into herself and understanding the world around her. After being rejected from her first YTT aged 19, she went back to the drawing board and explored the strange world of the London yoga scene.

Finally completing her qualification in Ashtanga Vinyasa she began to teach at Stretch in East London and then on to teach internationally and at retreats and workshops. She has taken additional training primarily with Stewart Gilchrist and Amanda Denton and also with Ana Forrest, Manju Jois and Paul Harvey. She now splits her time between heading up a yoga studio in Dorset, Yogaspace and workshops at Stretch in London.

She teaches with compassion, humour and pure dedication to the tradition and where new research and learning is taking us.

Aquila's Website